Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jokes - The Grandparents

Joke 1
One day, on the news, there was news about a grandfather and a grandmother. The news stated that the couple died in a hotel.

The news, then, confirmed that the grandfather died because he drank expired milk, and the grandmother died because she was stabbed by a dull item. TROLOLOLOL

Joke 2
One day, there was a grandfather and a grandmother watching TV.
The guy in the TV said that he can cure anything. He told them to put 1 hand on what they want to cure, and 1 hand on the TV.

They were curious, and wanted to try. They stepped closer to the TV. The grandmother put one hand on her chest and one hand on the TV.

 She wanted to cure her heart disease, and in one moment, the disease was gone! The grandfather, then, wanted to try it to. He put 1 hand on the TV and the other on his d*ck. The grandmother, then, told the grandfather, "He said he can CURE anything. He didn't say he can REVIVE dead stuff". TROLOLOL

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