Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jokes - The Man Who Went To Lawang Park

One day, there was a man who just moved from Solo to Jakarta. He was bored, so he took a tour around the city with his car. When he was driving, he saw beautiful women in Lawang Park.
He, then, got out of his car and approached one of the women (he wasn't aware that the women were actually sissies!). He had a little chat and fell in love with this... woman.

With no hesitation, he asked the woman to make love. The woman agreed, but with a condition. The condition was that the man can only "do it" from behind. The man was very excited and agreed to the condition.

When they where making love, the man was curious. From behind, he wanted to play with the woman's "V". As he touches the area, he shouted "Amazing!!! My d*ck went all the way through!!!".  

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