Joke 1
One day, on the news, there was news about a grandfather and a grandmother. The news stated that the couple died in a hotel.
The news, then, confirmed that the grandfather died because he drank expired milk, and the grandmother died because she was stabbed by a dull item. TROLOLOLOL
Joke 2
One day, there was a grandfather and a grandmother watching TV.
The guy in the TV said that he can cure anything. He told them to put 1 hand on what they want to cure, and 1 hand on the TV.
They were curious, and wanted to try. They stepped closer to the TV. The grandmother put one hand on her chest and one hand on the TV.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Jokes - The Man Who Went To Lawang Park
One day, there was a man who just moved from Solo to Jakarta. He was bored, so he took a tour around the city with his car. When he was driving, he saw beautiful women in Lawang Park.
He, then, got out of his car and approached one of the women (he wasn't aware that the women were actually sissies!). He had a little chat and fell in love with this... woman.
10 Bahasa Terpopuler di Dunia
Bahasa bisa dibilang merupakan salah satu anugerah terindah yang diberikan Tuhan kepada manusia. Bayangkan jika di dunia ini tidak ada bahasa atau hanya ada 1 bahasa saja, apakah mungkin para ilmuwan bisa menciptakan penemuan-penemuan penting? Lalu, ada berapa sebenarnya jumlah bahasa di dunia? Menurut Ethnologue, saat ini ada sekitar 6.912 bahasa yang dituturkan orang di seluruh dunia. Jumlah ini tentu saja masih diragukan keakuratannya karena tiap hari ada bahasa baru yang mungkin muncul, sebaliknya ada pula bahasa yang punah. Kita sebagai orang Indonesia bolehlah sedikit berbangga karena ternyata bahasa Indonesia masuk dalam 10 besar bahasa yang memiliki jumlah penutur terbanyak di dunia. Hmmm....jadi ada berapa banyak jumlah penutur bahasa Indonesia? Jawabannya, silahkan ikuti daftar 10 besar bahasa yang paling populer di dunia yang dimulai dari urutan:
The Fanciest Condom In The World
Branded objects increasingly milling. Not only clothing, bags or shoes. Even condoms are also labeled with the famous brands.
An architect from Georgia, Irakli Kiziria, designed comdoms branded Louis Vuitton. With the appendage leading fashion brands from France, the condom is definitely not normal condoms.
What is ADHD?
Aniston Pulls Bare Breast For Boyfriend
Runescape Combat

What is Runescape?
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